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Harry Potter

Soundtrack – Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban

Seinen letzten filmmusikalischen Beitrag lieferte Altmeister John Williams fĂźr den Steven Spielberg Streifen ‚Catch Me If You Can‘ ab – und nach Ăźber einem Jahr Pause meldet er sich mit der Musik fĂźr den dritten Teil der Harry Potter Verfilmung wieder zurĂźck.

Soundtrack – Harry Potter II

„Neither Merlin nor the magic people in Tolkiens Stories are as popular as the young boy with the scar and the black hair, named Harry Potter. Nearly everyone knows and loves him, the Books by Joanne Rowling and the bookbased films – the second one „Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets“ set out to conquer the world of Film just a few weeks ago“. (kw)

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